lutea trustees

It’s All About Trust


May 2023

Our Schedule of hourly rates as at the date of this Engagement Letter is as follows:

Senior Directors/Consultants £375
Directors £350
Associates £300 – £325
Trust Managers £275 – £300
Assistant Trust Managers £225 – £250
Client Accountants £200 – £250
Senior Administrators £180 – £200
Bookkeepers £150 – £180
Administrators £150 – £180
Junior Administrators £100 – £120
Support Staff £90 – £100

Our hourly charge out rates reflect the seniority, and experience, of the individuals undertaking the work. To comply with the codes of practice it may be necessary to have more than one-person review or sign off a piece of work in keeping with the 4 eyes and 6 eyes principles. This reflects the regulatory responsibility and risks that may be associated with the role and related tasks being undertaken. Time is charged in units, each unit representing 6 minutes, and 10 units equating to an hour of time.

We reserve the right to amend this Schedule of Rates on an annual basis as set out in the Terms of Business and we will notify you of the revised rates either by sending a revised Schedule to you by email or post or such other method of communication as we usually use with you.


Please use the form to the right to send us a message.

One of our team will get back in touch with you shortly

Alternatively, call us on +44 (0) 1534 703200 during business hours.

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